The CLOUDSURFER TRAIL from On running are designed for running and intense training. These running shoes are elegant and functional, with a 90% recycled polyester top and lining of the same material. Their textile insole is removable, thus facilitating cleaning and maintenance. The Missiongrip rubber outsole ensures excellent performance on various terrains. The heel measures 7 mm, providing adequate protection for the feet. The CLOUDSURFER TRAIL are ideal for running, training and marathons. They offer exceptional technique, performance, comfort and cushioning. The running and leisure shoes of On running are designed for performance while in comfort, with a full range of shoes and clothing. The CLOUDSURFER TRAIL are available in grey, with grey laces and neon green accents. They feature circular logos on the sides, adding a touch of style to their design. The outsole is black with traction patterns suitable for various surfaces.