The cap M's P o s e C a p of the brand Barts is a casual and sporty sportswear piece designed for outdoor activities and fashion. This cap is made of 100% cotton, offering lightness and softness to wear. It is available in pink, a pastel color that gives it an elegant style and a touch of sophistication.
The M's P o s e C a p cap features a cotton top and upper, making it ideal for outdoor activities such as hiking or sports. It is also perfect for a casual fashion look, as it adds a stylish element to your outfit without being too showy.
The M's P o s e C a p cap is designed to offer sun protection and an elegant style. The slightly curved visor and the six panels of the cap contribute to its lightness and comfort. The small air holes on each panel help to maintain a constant airflow, which helps to prevent sweating and keep your head cool.
The cap M's P o s e C a p is a piece of sportswear that combines functionality and style. It is perfect for sports enthusiasts, hikers and people who like to stand out with an elegant and sporty look.